Elektronisk udgave af Twilight Struggle

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Elektronisk udgave af Twilight Struggle

Post by Frouvne »

Nu er det vel efterhånden et par år siden nogle af os valgte at skrive os op på en af GMT's P500 lister til fordel for en PC version af Twilight Struggle. Efter at have ventet og ventet kommer nu nedenstående pressemeddelelse. Skidt nyt: de har droppet udviklingen af PC versionen. Godt nyt: de vil søge partnere til en tablet-version eller måske endda en version der fungerer på tværs af flere platforme. Jeg venter lige med at holde vejret i spænding ... men alt i alt er det måske (på et eller andet plan) godt nyt.

Hi guys!

This Special Update is to let you guys know what's happening with the development of our electronic versions of Twilight Struggle.

As many of you may remember, when we first put our Electronic PC version of Twilight Struggle on our P500 list, I assured you guys that there was no way I was going to charge your cards or release that game unless I was satisfied that it would deliver a high-quality game experience, comparable to the other most popular boardgame to electronic conversions. Regrettably, after a long and challenging development process, I have come to the conclusion that the current PC version will not meet that standard, at least not in any reasonable time frame. Thus, after consulting personally with several experienced PC industry people who I trust and who were involved in the TS electronic version testing process, and with Tony Curtis, our LLC Manager, we have decided to cancel this project, effective immediately.

I want to thank all of you who supported us by pre-ordering the game and especially those of you who gave of your time to help us test it. I wish that we had been able to deliver the product we had envisioned in a timely manner.

And I want to thank all the folks at RiverMyst software, a group of really good people who I enjoyed meeting and getting to know over the years. I appreciate all the time they put into the project to try to make it happen and I certainly wish them only the best for the future. Alas, I think that between us, we just didn't have the necessary "PC Game-Building" experience to get this project over the finish line at a quality level and with a feature set that we would all be happy with. And I wasn't willing to keep you guys who were anxiously anticipating the game waiting any longer for a product whose delivery we could not project with any certainty.

What if You Have a P500 Order for the Game?

The impact to you guys who have pre-ordered the game will be nil, except for the unfortunate fact that we won't be producing the game. I have already deleted the item from our P500 list, so you won't see it on the P500 page or on your Personal Data Sheets on our website anymore.

So, What's Next?

We are keenly aware of the market share impact that tablet games have had over the past few years. And we've read all of those "please get Twilight Struggle to iPad!" e-mails and comments you guys have sent and posted online. And we've turned down quite a few companies who wanted to do a tablet version of TS over the past few years because we wanted to get the computer game to the finish line. But that's now all moot with the PC game cancelled, so our priority at this point is to get an agreement for a tablet version - and potentially maybe even a cross-platform version - in place. We're not ready to share any details on that front yet, but do think we have an agreement on the horizon. We expect to have more information for you guys on that later this Spring.
frouvne, administrator

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