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Post by Frouvne »

Spoons er så simpelt, at det næsten er en overdrivelse at sige, at det er noget, man skal lave. Det minder mig umiddelbart en smule om Pit / Cambio. Følgende beskrivelse fra BoardgameGeek burde være nok til at komme i gang med spillet, hvis man har et sæt kort og en håndfuld skeer eller lignende... :D
You pull from a regular deck of cards 4 of a kind for each person playing. Shuffle those all together and deal them out so each person has 4 cards. They can't look at them until the game starts though. Place spoons on the table (enough for all except one player). Position them fairly, so each person pretty much has the same chance to grab one. You have one person (this job rotates hand to hand) start calling out 'pass'. How you pass is to select one card from your hand, put it on the table face down next to the person on your right, then you pick up the card the person on your left put down. You keep doing this until 1) you get 4 of a kind or 2) someone else gets four of a kind. At this point you grab a spoon, and the person who doesn't get a spoon gets a 'pig' point. Once you get 3 pig points you are a hog. If you are a hog you have lost, but you can still be part of the game. Hogs can talk to game players, but if a game player talks to a hog they get a pig point. Of course the winner is the person left when everyone else is a hog.

frouvne, administrator

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Post by qute »

:lol: Det har jeg faktisk spillet, men det er SÅ mange år siden.

Jeg husker det som ret sjovt. Især fordi den variant jeg spillede kunne man se hvad sidemanden prøvede at samle på(eller han sagde det højt) og dermed styre HVORNÅR han fik 4 ens.
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